- From the Mac OS X Finder, hit Command+K to bring up the ‘Connect to Server’ window.
- Enter the path to the network drive you want to map, ie: smb://win.ad.jhu.edu/users$/HOME and click ‘Connect’.
To save the network drive click the plus button next to the path. - Enter your Login: Win\<Your_JHED_ID> and Password: <Your_JHED_Password> and click “OK” to mount the network drive.
To have the computer remember your username and password, select Remember this password in my keychain. - Click Connect.
Some file are blocked please see the list below:
Excluded File Extensions:
.001, .002, .003, .004, .005, .006, .007, .008, .009, .bck, .aac, .bak, .aif, .aiff, .asf, .asx, .au, .avi, .bkf, .dll, .exe, .flac, .inf, .iso, .m3u, .m4a, .mbx, .mid, .midi, .mov, .mp1, .mp2, .mp3, .mp4, .mpa, .mpe,
.mpeg2, .mpeg3, .mpeg, .ogg, .pst, .qt, .ra, .ram, .rm, .rmi, .scr, .swf, .vb, .vbs, .vob, .wav, .wax, .wmv, .wvx